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Why Do Sharks Attack In Egypt

International Shark Experts Arrive in Egypt to Investigate Red Sea Attacks

Egyptian Authorities Seek Help in Identifying Species, Reducing Risk

Experts from the United States, Australia, and South Africa to Collaborate

International shark experts from the United States, Australia, and South Africa have arrived in Egypt to assist in the investigation of recent shark attacks in the Red Sea. The experts will work alongside Egyptian authorities to identify the species involved and develop measures to reduce the risk of future incidents.

The arrival of the experts follows a series of shark attacks in the Red Sea this month, which resulted in the deaths of three people. The attacks have raised concerns among tourists and local residents, who rely on the tourism industry for their livelihoods.

The experts will conduct a comprehensive investigation, including reviewing witness accounts, analyzing video footage, and examining any available evidence. They will also conduct underwater surveys to identify potential shark breeding and feeding grounds.

The findings of the investigation will be used to develop a strategy to reduce the risk of future shark attacks. This may include measures such as increasing patrols, implementing shark deterrents, and educating the public about shark behavior.

The Egyptian government is committed to ensuring the safety of its citizens and tourists. The collaboration with international shark experts demonstrates the country's determination to address the issue of shark attacks in a comprehensive and effective manner.

The American University In Cairo

The Us Sun
